Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Can a building further the Kingdom

Recently I was able to visit our pastor Brother Ramesh M, in Chattisgarh, where a family helped the local congregation to build a small prayer hall.

Though the work in not yet completed, they have begun worshipping there. With this new building, they are now able to sit properly and also invite new people to their congregation. The shape of the building does not look like a traditional church, because of the locality that is hostile to the gospel. But God is faithful and the people are streaming in and are being blessed.

One of the ladies, is from a certain caste, known for its stiffness and opposition from the Gospel. In fact, this is the same caste, that threatened Pastor Ramesh throughout his early years of ministry and also dragged him across the streets to the police station (the police case is still pending in the court). But God is merciful and He chose this old lady to preach His word. Now this sister, goes from house to house praying for the sick and bringing them to the church. Her family is broken and though she is also in need of prayer, she goes out and ministers to the people first.

It was a real treat to meet this lady evangelist. Being an industrial area, this place attracts people who are self employed, and also women who have men working in the factories. A family that was coming to the Lord owned a TV shop in the locality. Pray that all sections of the society would be touched by Jesus.

Please pray for Pastor Ramesh Manikpuri. As mentioned, he has to spend a lot of money to just take care of the court case. He needs to come out of that completely. Also please pray that new souls would make a decision for the Lord. Also pray for his children, two of whom are in our Bible College in Udaipur. Two are studying in another city in a children’s home. None from his family is in the faith. Please pray for them also.

I was in prison and you

Personally, I had a notion that prison ministry was something to be done, just once a year . To be honest, I never thought much about that group of our community ever.

Though only until recently .

My phone rang on a hot June weekday. Seeing the number, I happily picked the call thinking of making a small happy chat and then ending the conversation. But the voice was different on the other end. I enquired who was speaking and I realized another person was on the line. And when I enquired about where the owner of the number was, I was informed, he was taken by the police. “What, are you talking about Mr… ? When did this happen, what was the reason, where is he now?” were the only questions that raised through my mind.

I rushed my bike and reached the police station that was mentioned. But there I was informed that Mr… had been moved to the Central Jail. It immediately struck me that if a person is moved here, it is very long before he can come out. I frantically called his family and could only hear their cries, nothing else. Somehow we made arrangements to go and meet him in the Central Jail. We showed our IDs, proved our addresses and everything else. It was an hour before we reached the counter where we would get our passes. The man punched in every detail, which took another 10 minutes and then shouted. Someone has already visited him today (his son had) and it will be seven days before any other person could meet him! Seven days of loneliness, of fear, of no information, all by himself!

Seven days was too long, but this time we were there on time, took shorter time for us and we finally were let in to meet my friend. His name was hailed, and it was another ten minutes before he finally appeared in a totally different shape! I could hardly look at him through the bars and the net. And even then I did not know whether to cry or touch him to speak comfort to him. Moments became minutes and finally I asked him an age old question, “How are you?” and his was a standard soft reply, “I’m fine”

As he began to narrate what all he was going through, my heart really began to twist and I wanted to throw up. And my tears that day were not so much for him, but for the neglect of prisoners in general. I prayed, Lord give us a chance to come and minister life to them, just to come and sing to them or to let them know that they had people besides the police and the advocates who knew them and cared for them.

That is when I was surprised that both in the Old and in the New, the prisoners were not forgotten by their Master. Our Lord went to the extent of asking his followers to go and minister to them by just visiting them! What a job.

We have begun the work. We were able to send in an entire team that did skits, joked around with them, sang and shared the good news. In the end, we were able to give out New Testaments too.
The greatest need is good literature in Hindi to be distributed to them. Please pray and help us to bring the Good News to them in a manner that is relevant to them.

Living People Living Communities

Sitting on the Gujarat and Rajasthan border, the church hall was beautifully decorated with shining ribbons and new mats. Many evangelists and pastors were present to thank God for His goodness and be a part of the joyous celebration. The occasion was the dedication of a church building at Dhavdiya. This was after a wait of seven years!

The hall was packed with men, women, children and pastors. It was a time of great rejoicing. The people especially, Pr. Ravji and family and the church believers could hardly contain their joy. It was a privilege for us to witness this great day as a family. It was a hot sunny day but still the people had gathered to thank God and they praised Him with all their hearts and strength. The sound of local drums, instruments, Christian folk song and dance filled the air as people lifted up the name of Jesus.

Pr. Ravji accepted the Lord when his daughter fell sick and there was no cure for her. She was almost on the verge of death when a servant of God came and prayed for her and she was healed. Added to that was his alcoholic nature which ruined his family. But God had mercy on him and he found a new life in Christ. Since that day he gave his life to God and he has not stopped telling people about this great God. They would go as a group to the church a few miles away on foot. But as the numbers began to grow, God began using him to save lives and the leadership asked him to start meeting in the same village. A small hut of a believer was the first location.

As the people began to grow in number, they found it harder to sit and worship, especially in the summers and in the monsoons. One day, one of the men gave his land to build a building. They took it from there and in faith, began praying and believing God to provide for the needs. They collected cash, goods, wood anything the people would bring. And then God raised you up to give towards this building. It was a marvelous miracle, a clear answer to their prayer. They proceeded to build the building. And though it took some time to finish, today the church hall is packed with people whose lives have been touched by God.

This hall was paid for by one family. We encourage you to pray and join us in helping other congregations get their own place to worship.
May the Lord bless you personally and also as a family as you pray about it. Because you decide to build the house of God and God in return will build not just your house but your household for you.