One of our pastors’ daughter and
her husband have now planted a church that has over 100 believers. They felt called to a certain place and it was
the appointed time! People began to come to a small hut where the meeting was
conducted initially, but later one of the believers donated land and they put
together the funds they had and have now erected the walls of the
building. They are praying for provision
for the roof to come up. It will cost Rs
150,000 for the roof to be put. Please
pray and get connected!
It was a blessing to attend the
monthly pastors meetings in Gujarat. A
few years ago, there were only a handful of church planters working in this region. But today God has given us a team of over 35
missionaries who are covering over 120 villages in a week. We regularly have these monthly meetings where
they church planters bring their wives along for one full day of prayer and
encouragement. We had a powerful time of
teaching from 1 Peter and also spent considerable time in prayer, seeking God
for the land.