Thursday, June 12, 2014

Hearts Ablaze

In a country where plurality of gods exists, it is always heart-warming to see people giving themselves in radical surrender to the Lord.  In such a case, baptism becomes a defining moment in their spiritual journey. 

At the baptismal service, people are asked questions about whether they are doing this of their own free will or being coerced into it.  Other significant questions regarding their faith and their commitment to follow Christ all the way are asked of the candidate getting ready to be baptized. 

In spite of the high stakes involved and the possible rejection from the family, people from different castes and tribes, get baptised with sheer joy.  As we witness this glorious event, it is a time of recommitment and evaluation of our own 
faith, our commitment and our own walk with the Lord.

Please join us in praying that we would be able to care for the thousands of people coming into the faith and also provide the resources for them to grow and become disciples themselves.  The task has only begun once they come to the Lord and we need your continued prayer support to see them become true heirs of the Kingdom.

Sowing Seeds of Hope

More than 600 needy and destitute children are being taken care of in our Children’s Homes in various locations.  Each home has Home Parents who take care of these children’s daily needs, build routine into their lives, and guide them into their God-destined future. 

These children get the opportunity to live in a safe Children's Home, as opposed to living on the streets with such harsh living conditions. They are fed three healthy meals a day, have the opportunity to go to school and study and develop in every way, and live in a safe environment where they are loved, cared for and grow in every way.

We are passionate about helping these children. We know we can help more as we come across hundreds of children who could be given a home and fulfill their dream of living a secure life. There are requests from over 100 children that need our immediate care and attention.  They need a safe place to grow. 

Would you help us to help these children? It will cost $45 per child for a month.  A gift of $5000 will take care of ten children for a year. 

This includes their food, shelter and basic education. This will also help the Home Parent to buy basic living accessories like beds, mattresses, bed sheets and pillows. With your help we will be able to bring this help to more precious children. Each child is precious. Your gift can save a child and give them a future.

Ministering to Women

When it comes to ministering and meeting to the needs of women, the best option is to train and equip the sisters to help other women.  

Empowering the women not only liberates them to be God's best, but also secures the future of the generations to come.   We work among Kalbelia women who are also called the snake charmers. They lost their main occupation when the Government put a ban on catching snakes. This led to the rise in poverty in the community and men fell into drinking habits.  Women suffer the most.  Totally unskilled, they end up picking rags with their little ones following the same practise.  The community is illiterate and this generation is also moving into dark without education.

We are encouraging this community by holding family gatherings where husbands and wives are taught together, women’s gatherings where women meet, talk and snack, skill training for women where they are exposed to multiple trainings according to their choice like sewing, doing henna artwork and pickle making.  This message of hope needs to go beyond the confines of our comfortable lives.  Would you help us to spread the good news? You could sponsor a womens’ project for a year impacting over 1000 women in a year.  This will cost AUD 6000 for a year. 

Together We Can Change Lives

We need your partnership to renovate the Ashadeep Community Health Centre situated in a slum area near Udaipur.  This is home to over 1000 people. Many of the inhabitants in this area are unskilled, uneducated and remain jobless. People live in one-roomed small huts, with plastic roof and temporary shades. Sanitation and hygiene is poor. People draw water from open sources and there is no proper waste collection method.

Many children in this area are left alone at home as their parents move out each morning in search of work. They become victim to addictive substances, sexual abuse, under nutrition and lack of love and care and basic support. They are also dangerously prone to accidents on the road.

Our Centre is strategically located in this slum community with a desire and passion to help the community women and children.   Regular sessions are given on preventive healthcare and basic hygiene.  The entire thrust is to help them develop a holistic healthy attitude.  Besides the health education sessions, weekly kids clubs and family gatherings provide care for their soul and spirit too.  The Ashadeep Centre includes an outpatient clinic too.

The Need:  
The building that we are using now is a tin roof facility that we have been using for the past 25 years.  We want to renovate the building for improved health care and training purposes. The budget for the renovation of the centre is AUD 35000. 

This renovation will replace the tin sheet with concrete roof,  build an additional room in the existing facility to be used  as a day care centre for street kids, renovate the reception area of the building, paint and beautify the walls in the facility and also improve the doctor’s chamber and training rooms.

The Health Care Centre does not receive any direct Government support but relies on donations from supporters and friends.

Would you consider giving to this project, and at the same time claim tax benefits towards this giving?

Church Planters

Vijay, a church planter has a fascinating story of coming to the faith.  But it does not stop there.  He went on to share the joy he had found with his family and friends. That small attempt is becoming a big blessing to the people of that place. Hear his story in his own words.   

“My wife had a sore in her leg that would not heal in spite of all our efforts.  We were tired of all our efforts, until someone led us to a small hut.  People were singing songs and were also praying for people.  Apprehensive at first, I went in with my wife and they prayed for her passionately. I was asked to come again the next week and I agreed to it, even though it meant taking her almost ten kilometres on a bicycle.  The next morning, Dungu, my wife reported healing in her legs.  We could not wait the next six days.  Within one week, her wound had healed and she was able to walk with the same legs that the doctors had said would be amputated.”

The next week at the cottage, it was a time of great rejoicing and praising.  When Vijay asked the church planter family how much he owed them for this service, they replied, “Yes, our fees is that you would invite us to your village and to your home to pray.”  He did it the same day.  Missionary Jumde and his wife and another sister began visiting Vijay’s home every fortnight for prayer and visiting.

Every time they would reach the village, Bedre, there was a small crowd ready to hear what they had to say.  Dungu’s healing had created a stir and there were other cases that needed healing.  They could not hold the people in the small space outside their two room thatched roof hut. During the rains, people would not move, even when they were soaked in the rain because they wanted to listen with rapt attention the story of this Creator God.

It took almost three hours for church planter Jumde Yama and his wife to reach Vijay’s home each time they visited him.  Soon they were not able to come every time when there was a need in the village. 

One day Tokamunda, a prominent person in the village, got sick. His whole body had swollen and he could not move.  They brought him to Vijay’s home to be prayed.  But this was not the day the missionary family would be visiting. What could Vijay do. Before he could think, they had brought the sick man on a stretcher of bamboo poles to Vijay’s doorstep.   There was nothing else he could do.  As he had seen them do, he laid his hands on Tokamunda and began to pray in the name of Jesus.  His eyes were getting wet with tears.  But he did not hold back.  He prayed for complete and radical healing having learnt that God is no respecter of persons.  Nothing much happened then.  But the swelling had gone down considerably the next morning. In Vijay’s words “I clearly saw the swelling go away.  I was surprised, shocked and joyed to see what had happened when I prayed that simple prayer.”  The next week when the missionary couple came, he had one story to tell.  That day itself the couple encouraged him to pray for others and also to conduct regular meetings in his home.

 What began with a handful of people in the small area outside his hut, is now a regular church gathering with over 60 people in attendance.  About six months ago, they collected enough bamboo from the forests and put together a simple building, which they proudly call church today.  God did a miracle and someone donated money to buy the tin roof sheets.  It is one happy place, with men, women and children dancing and singing while worshipping this Jesus who gave them this new lease of life.  Transformation has touched their lives, their homes, their cattle and the soil of the land also.

“We were so poor that when the right season came we did not have the money to buy the seed and when we had meagre savings available, the weather did not help us.  But today all of us have vegetable gardens that feed our families and some of us are able to sell our products in the local market also.” 
They have gone through persecution, abandonment, harassment at the hands of local witch doctors, but today Vijay and his church are growing daily both in the Word and in the Grace of our Lord Jesus.  Visiting their home, they were proud to show their first ceiling fan and I was asked to inaugurate it with prayer!

Simple faith, simple people, awesome transformation, Great God.

Tambourine Baba

I did not know anyone in the village. But God gave me wisdom and I started using the tambourine and go from house to house sharing the Gospel with the people. Pretty soon the children began to recognize me and come to me to learn new songs. It was only the beginning of what God was doing through me in a natural and simple manner. I was familiar with the villages but had never gone into these with the Gospel message. But God opened for me one home at a time and every evening the children would gather to learn songs and through them I was able to pray for the well-being of the family members. Today when we gather in the village, we have over 60 people gathering out in the open to worship God.

God has confirmed His word with signs and wonders.  A sick mother, who was bedridden for many months, was brought to one of these evening meetings. One look at her did not convince me that she would live for long, but as I prayed, God gave the faith and by the end of the prayer, the mother began responding.  It was a huge encouragement for me. Two days later when I visited her, she was sitting up on her bed finishing her liquid diet.

A boy who could not walk was brought to these prayer meetings.  His legs were twisted but with faith and in the name of Jesus, we prayed for him. On the first day, his legs became loose. On the second day, he was able to crawl and by the third day, he was trying to lift himself up with help.  It was a marvellous miracle.

When the team visited this place, they were amazed to find the kids praying passionately with tears in their eyes. Their singing was also fully of energy and enthusiasm.
Now there is a crowd gathering every time Pratap visits the village and they have a new name for Pratap, ”Tambourine Baba”, or the tambourine guru.