Friday, November 25, 2016

An Incredible Experience - Navapur Convention '16

"I don't know how to describe it, but it will be one of the most incredible experience of my 30 years of ministry life."  This is was what one of the speakers, invited to speak at the recently concluded Navapur Convention, had to say about the entire week.   When asked to elaborate, he mentioned several aspects of the Convention, out of which the humility of the people to hear the Word of God stood out. 

People from 12 states gathered together to worship God and hear from the Word.  The total abandon in worship and the great attention that they were paying to the Word of God, really spoke volumes for their love for Jesus. 

There was a time, when the people would bring their bullock carts and come to the convention.  They would ‘park’ their carts all around the ground.   But today one can see only a sea of motorbikes, cars and other vehicles all around in the parking lot.  The people have been blessed both spiritually and in every other area of their lives and as a result, their giving also has risen considerably.  Praise God for this total transformation.    

This year, on the first day itself, there was the scare of demonetization of two currency notes.  So people had trouble traveling to the convention ground and also hesitation to give yet God took control and by the end of the convention, we could testify that God meets every need and loves to provide a direct answer to our prayers.  Nothing was amiss and the meetings proceeded unhindered.

The speakers included Pastor Suresh Babu, who spoke on the “The visitation and the habitation of God.”  His messages were anointed and the people responded to the altar calls with much prayer and surrender.

Pr. T C Thomas spoke directly to the hearts of the people, when he mentioned the various facets of the power of the Gospel.   When he prayed for the people, you could see tears rolling down the cheeks of those who decided to accept and also to carry the message to others.

Pr. M.S. Samuel narrated the stories from the Gospels.  His exposition of the gospels for the simple man were profound yet practical.

Pastors’ Meetings
Over 400 pastors had gathered to study from the word of God and one of the brothers expressed it well, “It was  a true joy to go so deep into the Word of God and mine the pearls of practical wisdom for ourselves.” 

Dr. Jacob Cherian was the invited speaker for the pastors and leaders seminar.  His love for the Word of God was evident in the way he taught from the book of 1 Thessalonians.  Pastors and leaders needed to hear about the conviction and the call of God on our lives.  In his three sessions, he took us on a journey through this book and it was worthwhile.  A bunch of younger pastors and leaders could also be witnessed in these meetings.  Thank God for the many generations that are there sharing the Good News.

Pastors’ Wives Meetings.
For the first time in the history of the convention, the wives of the Pastors got together for a special sessions.  It was a great time of bonding, of sharing and crying and praying together.  Over 150 women gathered in the room to hear what God had to say to them for their lives, for their families for their calling and for their own churches.  A need was expressed to do it in the coming years also.  God willing, they will begin to meet on the State level in the days to come.

Thursday, November 24, 2016


For the next year, we want to focus our energy in equipping the people and our front line workers like never before.  We want to be intentional about this so that together we will have a greater workforce to reach more people in the coming days.  We request you to pray with us as we align and give structure our ministries especially amon Women, Children, Youth, the Lay Leaders and Pastors themselves.  

Separate teams will be traveling to locations to encourage and strengthen the work that is already being done and initiate them along the lines that we have mentioned. With work spread out over 15 states, humanly speaking it is very tough to work towards this change.  But we know that with you praying for us, we would be able to bring about the change and together accomplish the vision.

We are excited to bring news that we were able to start one more training centre in Navapur, Maharashtra, India. We are already training 130 students for the two and three year leadership programs in our Bible College in Udaipur. But this program is a one year program, especially training young men and women for grass root evangelization.  

This will give them the much need start to go out and begin ministering under existing pastors and leaders.  Once they are ready, they will be launched out into newer locations starting congregations on their own.  This is part of our original vision of training natives to reach natives.

Pioneering in the 21st Century

BIKANER:  One of the 13 desert districts in Rajasthan, Bikaner is a great educational and cultural centre.  Its kings and palaces and legends are unparalleled.  We have been working here for the past several years but something special is happening in this city.   

Recently Pastor Stephen Samson, who is pastoring in Jodhpur (about 250 Kms away) got a special burden to go to Bikaner and start the work afresh there.  He obeyed and started going there twice a month. Suddenly new connections have  come up and people are wanting to worship Jesus and know about where they can go for worship service. 

And then the Lord connects us to a missionary family who arrived in Bikaner a few months ago, not knowing what God wanted them to do in this city.  We have now connected with them and want to invest in their lives as they stick it out there in spite of the extreme weather.

Realizing that this is a good time for us to move in, we are hiring a large home so that this family can stay and which will double up as a place of worship and learning centre too.  The rent alone is Rs 11,000 per month.  And then there is the cost of living for this family. Is there anything too hard for the Lord?  Nothing is too hard.  But we need to believe for greater things and act for greater glory.

And Oh! another miracle happened.  A family out of the blue, came and said that they want to give a piece of land (and that too in the city) to build a church building!  Coincidences? Or signs of divine timing?   Please pray and join us in touching Bikaner anew.

Eleven Years

Rev.  Dr. Thomas Mathews
(February 9, 1944 -
November 24, 2005)
11 years ago on this day, my Dad went to be with the Lord.  On his way to preach in another city, he stayed the night in a home in Delhi and never woke up.  He was taken by our Lord for the rest that he very much needed. 

During these 11 years, there have been times when I have been alone, afraid and confused, but it was always the Lord comforting and reminding me that His grace was sufficient for me. 

Thanks to your valuable prayer and precious partnership, we have only continued to grow. The vision of planting churches continues through our feeble hands.   New churches have been planted, new people sent out to the mission fields and many people from new communities added to the Kingdom.  But there are a few more million people still to hear. We do not have time to celebrate! Let us continue to work hard until all hear, and then altogether we will celebrate