Monday, May 18, 2015

Spirit Wind in Sakri

Situated on a raised plateau, Sakri is known for its beautiful mountains, strawberry fields and its sugarcane farms.  But soon it will be known for one more thing.  The Spirit Wind.

As you meet Pastor Motiram you are stunned by the sincerity in his words.  He was trained in the Filadelfia Bible College and went back to minister with his co-workers in the Sakri area.   After 15 years of ministry, there were results, but not at the speed he wanted them to come.  One fine day, as he and others were praying, the Lord promised them that he would send a Spirit Wind upon the region and remove the barrenness.   But they were to sit in pray for the coming revival. And they began to pray earnestly.

As prayer gathered momentum, their faith began to rise.  With faith and prayer, came answers to difficult prayers.  Soon, they had the faith to put up a tent meeting.  A small meeting was planned but the turnout defied all odds. People began to give generously and sacrificially for a larger meeting.
“All the expenses are being borne by the simple people of our churches,” says Motiram. Knowing the condition of the people, this in itself is a miracle.

Shyama came to the faith after losing two sons.  He himself was battling a strange disease.  No one helped nor cared.  But he was desperate and God directed him to a church.  People prayed for him and he was totally and instantly healed.  From that day, he prayed that they would come to his village to start a church.    That prayer was soon answered.

A church was started and people began to pour and NMM was able to partner with the believers to complete a church building in the village.  But God had greater plans for Shyama. Handing over his farm to his sons, he is now working full time with his local pastor.  When asked… what changed him?  He replied … it was the baptism of the Holy Spirit.  Everything changed. Love for the Lord, compassion for the lost,  a boldness to pray for people and the joy of seeing people being healed, is what I got after my Spirit baptism. 

While studying in the Bible College, the only prayer that Pastor Savlish had was, “Lord send me to a place, where no one know you.. I want to be a witness for you.  But then he had another prayer too.  Lord, please save each and every member of my family, before I go out and preach to others…  Today God has honoured both this requests.  His whole family is saved and he is  ministering in a pioneer location and the Lord has blessed him with 40 believers there. 

The Holy spirit is doing a marvellous thing in the area…..

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